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Showing posts from August 1, 2017


What is the purpose of school? On this page, you will find reviews of empirical research, literature on educational philosophy,  case law, state constitutions, and surveys of business/industry that relate to this question. Dr. Damian Bebell of Boston College and Dr. Steven Stemler of Wesleyan University have developed a model for thinking about school purpose that they call the MIA Model. In short, this model states that schools should be in charge of defining for themselves what they believe their core purpose to be. Next, the curricular and extracurricular offerings should align with the school mission. Finally, assessments of success should be congruent with the unique mission of the school. Although schools serve a wide variety of purposes, decades of research has shown that the most commonly mentioned purposes of  K-12 schooling in the United States tend to focus on three core elements: Civic development Emotion...