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Showing posts from October 9, 2022

Dealing with Problems by Lourenzo

  1.  What are the different ways on how people deal with life challenges?  People are not born the same, we are different and all of us faces problems and challenges that are unique and special to all of us. The short film reflects about LIfe and how people solve and deal with their problems in their own ways. Some may deal with their problems by going on headfirst, some may do to resolve their challenges on a rational way like planning and thinking before they act and others may simply let time and everything to pass. Different challenges comes with different solutions. But the universal answer in all of these challenges is that challenges will pass as long as do you an effort to accomplish the problems and struggles of your life. People have different challenges, and these trials are meant for people to learn and to become their better selves.  2.  Relate the short film to your own experience of dealing with challenges? I loved the video, and it really reflects on how I deal with th