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ICT in our Daily Lives.

 ICT as it stands for “Information Communications Technology” relates to everything that uses technology. Basically, ICT is anywhere used if the word or things related to technology has come to place. ICT in today’s modern world has become an integral and significant part of our lives. With the continuous fast paced dawn of technology, the development and innovations of ICT has brought efficiency and effectiveness in our daily lives. As it helps from everything, we do that is standard with today’s world’s daily needs.

ICT brings us a lot of things that has helped people, for example, The Internet, within the dawn of the internet in the ‘80s up to the ‘90s. The internet has been founded and used as a communication tool for institutions. It helped many people and companies to rise, grow and connect with people all around the world. And today, the internet has been an essential part of our lives because it helped people not only to communicate but to do a lot of things. All things such as Businesses, Banks, Intelligence, Education, etc. are now connected to the internet. And up until now the world continues to advance our technology to provide the needs of the people.

The internet is not the only things ICT had invented because there are a lot of it, ICT had improved software’s and applications to be used by the people for betterment. And ICT had also improved our hardware’s or machines that can be used for greater and faster production and distribution of goods and needs of the people. ICT has contributed a lot to change our everyday life such as letter to e-mail, market shopping to on-line shopping, classroom learning to e-learning, etc. This paper present's the effects of ICT as Home and Domestic Activities, Social Networking, Education, Health, Commerce, Banking, and Employment.

What will happen if ICT is not existing in our current time? Well, I believe rather than say “not improve” I can say that our technological level would still be in the 1900s to the ‘30s our tech would not change. And it will only extend that certain era but probably it would not stay the same for very a long time. So answering the question, without ICT in our present time we would still be using the old tech our parents and grandparents had used the old and classic ways to be exact.

In summary, ICT permeates all aspects of life, providing newer, better, and quicker ways for people to interact, network, seek help, gain access to information, and learn. Besides its presence everywhere, Information and Communication Technology has an immense economic significance. That is why as the new generation we are the next step of a better and greater future. 


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