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Showing posts from October 11, 2022

M2 socio-digital debate (Topic: Social Media) | By: Lourenzo Manimtim

M2 socio-digital debate   ØEverything we post on our social media will remain there forever. ·        Agree, what we post on social media reflects what kind of person we are, our traits and personality reflect on each post we put on our social media accounts. Art is the expression of the soul, and these expressions it immortalizes you. Same can be said with social media, as post are expressions once it’s posted it stays there. What people has seen will stay and make a mark in their minds. You may delete the post but what you post will be history. Our word is powerful and what we say, or post can be used to better or against us. It is significant to remember to responsible in social media. It is an expression and what we post and do in social media immortalized and reflects what you are. It will remain forever; it may be forgotten but what you say will stay. Stay in the pages of history.   ØThrough the use of social media, you can feel invisible. ·        Agree, Anonymity, soc