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Showing posts from December 9, 2021

PowerPoint Gizz: How familiar are you in using PowerPoint?

  Whenever we are going to present something in our school or in a business presentation. PowerPoint has become one of the most important tools in presenting our thoughts and ideas to many people. Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation is a presentation software created by Microsoft and is one of the most important Microsoft Software. My ratings in my ability to use and utilize PowerPoint is 8. There are many reasons why my PowerPoint familiarity rating is high.   I can do these things in PowerPoint:   Action Buttons and Hyperlinks. Whenever I will create a PowerPoint Presentation, I always keep in mind to make any of my presentations fun and engaging. I use Action Buttons and Hyperlinks to enable myself to shift in one place to another whenever I will be presenting. For example, If I want to make a quiz like presentation, I use action buttons and hyperlinks to shift slides like when you get a correct answer if I click the specified action link on an object it will go to the set des