Get to Know More About Blended Learning in the Philippines
We’re finally approaching the last days of summer! For teachers and students, this season marks the start of another school year. Malls and bookstores are usually packed with visitors scrambling over stacks of pens, notebooks, and other school supplies—until last year. Whereas bookstore aisles were filled with excited kids and teens then, they are now far out empty. With the situation we have today due to the COVID-19 pandemic, classroom-type education seems out of reach. Hence, the Department of Education (DepEd) suggested ways to adapt to the ever-changing teaching landscape. One of these is the implementation of blended learning in the Philippines. In this blog, we’ll walk you through this learning approach, its benefits, and other updates. Read on to know more!
What is Blended Learning
Blended learning is a learning approach that combines traditional face-to-face teaching method with online-based instructions. Addressing the growing belief that this is an entirely fresh approach, Department Secretary Leonor Briones cleared that the country has been practicing distance learning for decades. Several colleges have been giving online modules and tests to their students as part of their curriculum. In spite of this statement, challenges surrounding online learning still persist during the present time. That said; with proper knowledge and support from the government, we’ll be able to achieve a fruitful semester.
Benefits of Adapting Blended Learning
Enhances Safety
During these dire straits, there’s nothing more we can do than to practice safety measures such as social distancing. Hence, this school year might not be your typical classroom-type of learning, for it will mainly adopt online teaching modes. Through this, students can browse their modules at home without risking their health and safety.
Promotes Autonomy
Studying at home surely provides students ease and freedom to do things at their own will and pace. They can manage their time on their own since they can access their modules in advance. If not done wisely, they may end up cramming until the last minute of their deadlines. Hence, this prompts them to practice proper time management at an early age.
Improves Feedback System
In this setup, most quizzes and exams are done virtually. Thus, students can receive their scores right after checking. This feature not only helps students but also adds perks for the teachers. Through this fast feedback system, teachers will have a firm grasp of their students’ weak areas and create a better plan to bridge this learning gap.
Boosts Efficiency
Compared to traditional setup, blended learning saves more time and resources. Students and teachers can access the modules anytime and anywhere—given that internet signal reaches the area. Blended learning aims for a hassle-free learning with virtual classrooms and online modules.
Allows Flexibility
Since students don’t have the same learning styles, teachers often find it hard to sustain their interests, especially if they’re enclosed in a classroom’s four walls. But this changed when blended learning took part in the usual learning setup. Today, teachers can use online activities which include podcasts, videos, and other media types to encourage participation from their students.
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