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“‘Reading the Pandemic” (December 2021) | A SPOKEN WORD POETRY BY: LOURENZO MANIMTIM


Readers are leaders, and Leaders are fighters,

The Coronavirus Pandemic, is a great disease,

That brings destruction without cease.


Every child has a dream, a dream to be fulfilled,

To long the world and liven up their dreams,

Like those great stories, From the books that they read,

To become a pilot, to become a doctor,

To become a solder, or maybe perhaps,

They can become a Jedi, or a Stormtrooper.


When the books are open the world shines,

A Childs imagination flies and runs wild,

For one book, travels far,

A little child can go, beyond and afar,

In worlds history, to the present and to the future,

If a child reads, he can change and shape the world,

But, when books will shut, the world ends.


The coronavirus pandemic, is the testament of these trying times,

A sad reality, The great enmity of the many,

A Challenge for the children of today,

All schools are shut, and all learners have been displaced,

Divided by life, The Digital Divide,

Where learners and all cannot provide,

Education is the right and responsibility,

But with the pandemic plunging our country,

Education becomes a liability, and reading is a luxury.


Education is a right, and literacy is the foundation of learning,

All children must have the ability and access to reading,

The pandemic should never education,

Reading must continue! And Learning will ensue,

What if the pandemic never ends?

Will we stop educating our youth? In this digital divide?


No! We must never halt our education!

For education is the weapon that will beat any COVID,

Every child must read in this time of this pandemic,

As our children is the future of this nation,

 It lies within their hands the fate and destiny of our country,

Reading is the right of our children that no pandemic shall stop.


For reading can make, a child’s life better,

And build its future,

For one little read and make a spark,

To ablaze the imagination of a child’s heart,

For no one can tell a child’s destiny,

Unless there was a great and a moving start,


Aspire to inspire before you expire,

Stories are the soul of the world,

It makes everything alive,

It is personal, A Story Narrates your life,

Reading Change lives, it transforms, and travels far,

It is the duty of today’s generation,

To lead and inspire our future generation,


Readers are Leaders,

Our children are the future of this world,

For one day they will be leading and prosper the world,


Reading is a right,

And even with the great pandemic we are facing today,

Education and reading must never stop,

Let us get rid of the pandemic!

But Read in the pandemic!

Let us start and begin the journey,

 It is our legacy to live on and inspire the future generations.


Blessed Be God Forever!


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