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What is Love? By: Lourenzo Manimtim

        Many ask what is love? Does love come at first sight? Is love a fateful encounter? or perhaps love is a fairy tale where your destiny is already settled. But what is love really? According to an article by PhiltSTAR Life, there are stages that people mistake for love and those stages are “Lust” and “Infatuation”. When you feel like your in a process of attraction with an sex like you are bringing up a desire to do something sensual with an opposite sex that is not love but rather it is called as Lust or your “Sex Drive”. And if you feel like the person you desire is the Mr or Mrs. Right, like they are the perfect embodiment of what you want and you feel like that person is definitely for you and imagining your life together as perfect and living happily ever after that is not love rather is called Infatuation or Romantic Attraction, the stage of attraction where you get intimate and always see the other person you desire in heart shaped lenses. Ohh.. What are you talking about? What is Lust and What is Infatuation? If those two are not love then what is Love? 

Love is real intimacy, real love is not perfect, real love is saying “YES” despite all of your differences. When you are getting to know deeper you might even hate each other. Love is not always love shaped lenses. True intimacy is accepting whatever you do not like about that person. You accept that this person is not perfect for you anymore, but you still want to be with this person. It takes steps, for building a relationship with your significant other, an integral part that lasts beyond the stages of lust and infatuation. It takes time, take your time getting to know somebody. Don’t fall in love with what you simply like on a person but on what they are showing right now. It is better if you are on the same page and you both are clear. In the end, whether it’s lust, infatuation, or true love, communicating with your partner will always help you get to that vision for your relationship. Afterall, True Love is Mutual. #LoveIsReal


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