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Is Taiwan a State? | Reflection Paper by Lourenzo Manimtim


Is Taiwan a State?

A Reflection Paper by Lourenzo Manimtim


The island of Taiwan officially known as the Republic of China (ROC) is a country in East Asia, at the junction of the East and South China Seas in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, with the People's Republic of China (PRC) to the northwest,  Japan to the northeast, and the Philippines to the south. The territories controlled by the ROC consist of 168 islands with a combined area of 36,193 square kilometers (13,974 sq mi).

In world politics, Taiwan is a highly controversial and a heavily disputed country with both of which the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the People’s Republic of China (Mainland China), claims Taiwan to be their territorial right and adheres to the implementation and unification of China through the One-China Policy, where both countries claims that the unified China is their own rights. The People’s Republic of China views Taiwan as an inseparable entity and important part of the Chinese legacy. Taiwan is very significant to China not only as it was once was its own territory, but the position and value of Taiwan is extremely crucial for China’s growth and to the extending of Chinese influence in world economy, international politics, and military power. If China were to reclaim Taiwan as its territory, this will increase national standing of China and become an essential steppingstone to rise as a Global Superpower.

China has never been silent but has been vocal and is willing to do whatever it takes to reclaim Taiwan back as part of its territory. Currently, the tensions between China and Taiwan are on high alert. Other countries most predominantly, the United States, are getting involved in the tensions and conflict over the country of Taiwan. With the recent military drills and military exercises of the People’s Republic of China near Taiwan. Some people believe that these actions made by the PRC is a prelude or a preparation for the long-expected war and invasion of Taiwan. However, those are still considered as speculations, and though it’s possible, it is very unlikely that the People’s Republic of China in the current times will invade and take over Taiwan.

Presently, both the Mainland China and Taiwan are headed by two different and exclusive governments. The Republic of China is the democratic government of Taiwan, which was also the former government of all China before they were defeated and overthrown by the Communist forces in the Chinese Civil War in 1949. And the People’s Republic of China, the government of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), is the government that currently rules and holds supreme power in all internal affairs of Mainland China.

 Taiwan is a very essential part and piece in the world, most especially in the field of electronics. Taiwan has invested in production and development of microchips and semiconductors and holds one of the largest, if not the largest production of microchips and semiconductors, spearheaded by the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation. All of which are very critical necessities in the contemporary world.

Almost all countries in the world, more importantly in the developed economies, depend on Taiwan for the production and supply of microchips and semiconductors. Very essential materials that are important for the modern economy to work. Microchips and semiconductors are high on demand by countries and are critical components for most technologies. Electronics, Gadgets and Devices both commercially and militarily, such as smartphones and computers, Precision Guided Missiles, Smart Weapons, Fighter Jets, etc. all require microchips and semiconductors in their assembly to function and work for their desired and certain purpose. For example, the smart weapons used by Russia in the Russo-Ukraine war requires microchips produced in Taiwan for Russia to be able to build functioning smart weapons. And with the global economic sanctions against Russia, its supply of microchips is running out of stock and with the procurement and purchase of microchips not possible. Russian war effort in producing smart weapons has slowed to a near halt (Sheftalovich and Cerulus, 2022). Taiwan’s role as leading microchip and semiconductor producer is one of the many reasons why Taiwan is very crucial to the free people of the world.

Taiwan’s standing as a global supplier for a top necessity in the modern world economy is enough for countries such as the United States to take a bold stance and give a statement in regards to Taiwan, especially with the declaration of United States President Joe Biden that “He will defend Taiwan in case of a Chinese Invasion, and that he will commit U.S. forces American Men and Women to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion” (Brunnstrom and Hunnicutt, 2022).

The US acknowledges Taiwan’s role and function in the world, the United States does everything it can to prevent People’s Republic of China to gain influence in Taiwan. If any trouble or discord will happen, for example, an invasion of the PRC to reclaim Taiwan, it will cause a global disruption in the world economy and have devasting effects in all the modern economies in the world.

It is already determined that Taiwan is so important to the United States and to China and by the other countries in the world. But with even all the things Taiwan had done and its influence in the world it won’t be possible if it is not a state. Taiwan will not be able enter into international and formal economic agreements and trade relations with other countries if it does not possess the qualities and attributes of a state. This reflection paper will discuss and reflect to the topic is Why is Taiwan a state? And the significance of Taiwan as a free and independent state in relationship with the world.

Taiwan definitely qualifies and meet all of the requirements and criteria under the rule of international law based on the Montevideo Convention of 1933, which makes it eligible to become and be considered as a legitimate state. It has sufficient number people and a thriving population, a well-defined territory, a strong and organized government, and a mark of power in sovereignty, internal jurisdiction, having the supreme or ultimate authority in all of its islands and resources and a possess the functions of independence, for having its own passport, military, government, education system, a presidential election, etc. So, Taiwan is and embodies all the privileges and rights like a normal state. In that sense, it is already answered that Taiwan is a state and maintains a function and movement of an already independent country. However, also take note that Taiwan does not push or have any sort of formal independence.

The problem is that there is a bigger baddie or opposition of the two China’s — the mainland China. Though Taiwan claims itself to be independent country the Chinese mainland sees Taiwan as a “An inseparable part of China’s territory since antiquity” and if ever Taiwan tries to pursue to become a formal independent state in the world. This action may trigger the Chinese mainland to take military risks. The People’s Republic of China had made statements that it aims to unify China under the One-China Policy as agreed by the governments of China and Taiwan under in what was known as the 1992 Consensus, between representatives of the PRC and ROC to acknowledge that both the Mainland China and Taiwan belong to One-China. The statement of the People’s Republic of China in the topic of reunification from Inquirer, (2022). says that China aims to reunite “In peaceful ways if possible” but did not renounce the possibility threatening Taiwan “To unify China by force, if necessary”. And so, with that analysis, \ resolving Taiwan’s political status is something that could be incredibly difficult or even be impossible in the foreseeable future. There are three possible ways to settle the dispute between China and Taiwan, unification, independence, and status quo. The first two options are extremely unlikely to happen in the present times leaving the status quo or existing state of affairs, as the most realistic and current option in settling the matter.

The recognition and independence of Taiwan is all but a battle of interests, in the standards and rules set by international law, Taiwan should be considered as a legitimate state and enjoy its fundamental rights of the state as it possesses the necessary elements to become a legitimate state. It has a sufficient population, a well-defined territory, a government, and sovereignty, whereas the island nation is also free and has a capability to operate and act without external control and influence and has the power of jurisdiction over Formosa and in all its 166 islands. The only problem that hinders Taiwan to become a legitimate state is People’s Republic of China (PRC) the mainland or the bigger China which is ruled and controlled by the authoritarian regime of the Chinese Communist Party.

Taiwan was indeed a legitimate state because before the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949, the original government of China which was the Kuomintang Government (The Nationalists) or the Republic of China was the government of China, after the annexation and overthrowing of the Qing Dynasty in 1911. In which the nationalists took control of China until their defeat in the Chinese Civil War in 1949 with the armies of Mao Zedong’s communist forces. The former government of China was forced to relocate and reinvent itself into the province of Taiwan and establish the remaining remnants of the government of the Republic of China lead by Chiang Kai-shek, also known as Chiang Chung-cheng and Jiang Jieshi, a Chinese Nationalist politician, revolutionary, and military leader who served as the leader of the Republic of China (ROC) from 1928 to his death in 1975. All throughout Taiwan was ruled in a Military Dictatorship until the Presidential Election on March 23, 1996. Since then, in the current times the Republic of China dwells in the island of Taiwan for the past 70 years and is currently being led by their elected president since her term in 2016, Tsai Ing-wen, of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

So, Taiwan is indeed a state, and it even retains the original government of all of China. It must be noted that a state should have all the means to be considered as independent. But even though it is a stated by law that a state has a right of freedom of existence and self-preservation. Taiwan faced problems; Taiwan was removed from the United Nations on October 25, 1971, from the UN Resolution 2758, in favor of the People’s Republic of China, to legitimately represent China in the United Nations voted by the majority or two-thirds of the vote allocated from the members of the General Assembly. As based on the Article 18 of the UN Charter. This matter was issued as it was said in the UN Resolution 1668, the important question of Chinese representation in the United Nations. It states that there should be only one to represent China. And by adhering to the rules and power of the Article 18 of the UN Charter, important questions in the General Assembly must be voted by all members of the Assembly and a majority vote of two-thirds or the majority among all members is required. And in this favor, PRC was given the seat in the United Nations and the representatives of Taiwan were removed.

Other problems that Taiwan or the Republic of China faces in regards of being independent and functions as a state are the repeated Chinese aggression and assertion of the Chinese Unification as based on the One-China Policy and continuous impact and pressure China gives to other nations in issues regarding Taiwan. Taiwan or at least the Government was the original China but as time passes the world leans on to the mainland China as the real China, in which economically and politically speaking, made more sense. With only 13 countries in world remaining to recognize Taiwan as an independent country, including the Holy See.

However, even though that is the case and few countries do recognize Taiwan as an independent state. Taiwan does not need recognition to become a state. Though there is no set of formal declaration of independence from Taiwan. Time changes things, now the Taiwanese people see themselves as more of an Independent Identity. The people are now more adamant that it doesn’t want to return to China. And this was greatly supported by the President of Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen, in which she states that Taiwan is already an independent state, and it does not need any sort of formal declaration of independence. So, Taiwan functions like an independent state and it does business to other states, why it is not able to formally declare independence is from the fear of the danger of a Chinese military response. Taiwan is very careful in dealing with a country with a live fuse.

So, what is the significance of Taiwan to the free people of the world? Taiwan is a symbol of democracy against the more powerful and authoritarian Chinese Communist Party. That some people and political analyst refer to as a David and Goliath scenario. Taiwan fights for its rights and strive to become and act like an independent state amidst the pressures of China. Taiwan is also extremely significant to those who are hostile with China, more particularly the activities of China. Not only is Taiwan a great producer of electronic parts, but Taiwan is also the first defense, in want what called the first island Chain. This means that Taiwan is the frontline fortress against the more powerful China. The first island chain aims to limit the sphere of influence and movement of Chinese Military in the pacific region and in other parts of the East and Southeast Asia. Aside from the reasons above there are more than many reasons more why Taiwan is significant to be a free and an independent state in relation with the world.

In conclusion, The ROC has a very ambiguous/unclear political status. It’s not a member of the UN. Very few countries recognize them as a country. Removed from the UN as China, in favor of the PRC from the UN General Assembly Resolution 2758. The two-thirds majority vote favors based on the Article 18 of the UN Charter recognizing the PRC “as the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations”. Taiwan is a state and an independent country just basing on the rules of the international law in the elements and rights of the state. No foreign or external power shall hinder with the affairs of a state. A country is not required to be recognized by others to become a state. Taiwan is independent of recognition. Why Taiwan can’t formally declare independence and be treated with the status the way as it is today. It is because of the powerful pressures China imposes to Taiwan and to other countries. As of now, there is still no conclusion to this matter. The dispute and tensions between China and Taiwan are still ongoing as of the publishing and writing of this paper.

Hoping for the best of the Chinese-Taiwan relations. May God Be Glorified!


Brunnsstrom, D. & Hunnicutt T. (2022). Biden says U.S. forces would defend Taiwan in

the event of a Chinese Invasion.

Retrieved from on October 13, 2022


Sheftalovich, Z. & Cerulus, L. (2022). The chips are down: Putin scrambles for high-tech

parts as his arsenal goes up in smoke.

Retrieved from on October 14, 2022

Inquirer. (2022). Fearing war in Xi’s next term, Taiwan ups defense. Retrieved from

on October 14, 2022


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