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PLATO ABOUT THE SELF | By: Lourenzo Manimtim, Hannah Dollente & Jaycee Bartolome




MEMBERS: Manimtim, Lourenzo Gabrielle O.

                     Dollente, Hannah Camille A.

                    Jaycee Aldrich B. Bartolome


1.     Do you agree with what (Plato) has concluded about the self? Why?


LOURENZO: One of the greatest ideas that I like in Plato’s Philosophy is the “World of Forms and Senses”, which argues that Forms, is the perfect ideal world. And senses, or reality, is simply but an imperfect copy of the perfect world. This idea implies the division of reality based on what we perceived that there is perfect world somewhere parallel on what our eyes see and body experience in the world of senses. Plato’s idea in this matter relates the metaphysical philosophy of a world beyond our senses, a world we are part of. This in relation to in his Philosophy, that the self is composed of two things the “ontos” (Ideal) and the “phenomena” (manifestation of reality). To make the explanation short, our selves is composed of our psyche (the soul) and the body. And in this philosophy, the soul is unchanging, and eternal is deemed as the perfect and ultimate reality that defines who we are and contains our true potential. While the body on the other hand as Plato explains, it is imperfect, it is but a shell or a prison that houses and limits the perfect potential of our soul. In contrast, the body is inferior to the qualities of the soul. And the soul is the only factor of self that can seek us to understand the world of forms. Plato argues that the soul is really an entity distinct from the body. Indeed, for Plato, the soul is the self, and Plato’s true self is the rational soul, the soul that controls your self that enables a human person to think, reflect, analyze, and do other cognitive functions.

Do I agree what Plato has concluded about the self? Yes, or sort of, Yes, in a philosophical sense, because I believe that the soul is the true identity of a human person that fuels and gives him life. The soul is the essence of human person that establishes his true totality and true potential. Sort of, because though Plato believed as perfect that the soul Is eternal and indestructible, and the body is imperfect, dirty and a prison. I do not agree with the motion of Plato regarding the concept of the body in Philosophy. I believe that the body and soul compliments and define the human person. The body is part of self, as it gives identity and shape to the human person in the real world. If the soul is the body in realms, then the body is the face, that gives a form in the real world. And lasty, the body is what allows the soul to move, act, and make changes in the world. In other words, the body is the vessel of the soul that brings life to the visions of the rational soul. Like a charioteer from Plato’s dialogue called the Phaedrus, the charioteer symbolizes the rational soul and this soul is meant to guide people in their life and decisions.


 HANNAH: I believe our souls, mind, and body are all interconnected so if one goes, they all go. I don’t completely take either of their perspectives but I do agree with some aspects of each and I don’t believe that the soul is immortal, so yes I agree with plato, But it must be noted that for the philosopher, the human person is composed of body and soul. In other words, the human person is a dichotomy of body and soul. The body is the material and destructible part of the human person, while the soul is the immaterial and indestructible part. Plato argues that the soul is really an entity distinct from the body. Indeed, for Plato, the soul is the self.


JC: Yes, I agree with the philosopher. As we all know, we need to fully understand ourselves before others, as it will determine people’s intelligence. To be able to answer the things around us, we must know what we are doing first. They enlighten me in such ways. Plato says that true knowledge comes only from those who understand what it was. He also says that we must look at the meaning of things, or think outside the box, to know what they are. We must not focus merely on what we see; we must know that every piece of concrete knowledge must consist of the senses of the real world. These philosophers give us an insight into moral knowledge. It was essential because of what he concluded about himself, and as I listened to it, I became more knowledgeable. They help us to know what is morally right.



2.     Do you see how the explanations of the self of Plato, apply to you in the present? Why?


LOURENZO: Yes, because I believe that the body has a soul, an essence that enables a human person to have a life and for a body to have a purpose and movement. Plato’s concept of the self with the soul as the foundation of our identity. Makes sense particularly to my life, Plato’s philosophy of the self about the soul resonates with my beliefs. Aside from what I had mentioned above, there are three types of Soul that made up the identity and totality of the human person, the Rational Soul, the Spiritual Soul, and the Appetitive Soul.

The Rational Soul is is located in the head. Being located in the head, the rational soul enables the human person to think, reflect, analyze, and do other cognitive functions. The spiritual soul, on the other hand, is located in the chest. It enables the person to experience happiness, joy, sadness, abomination, anger, and other emotional feelings. Lastly, the appetitive soul is located in the abdomen. This is the part of the soul that drives the human person to experience physical pain, hunger, thirst, and other physical wants. In summary, the rational soul is the true self, therefore, must at all times control the spiritual and appetitive soul. These concepts of the self and soul were introduced in the Dialogue of Plato in the Phaedrus and used as symbols in the story of the charioteer and the two horses. The Charioteer symbolizes the Rational Soul and the two horses, which symbolizes the spiritual and appetitive soul. The moral of the passage which can be related to my life, is that as the rational soul, the charioteer must have a vision and purpose. He must know where he is heading. And he must know and understand the nature of the two horses if he wishes to properly harness the chariot and reach his destination.

 In summary, we have goals and journeys in our life, and to achieve that goal like our dreams, we must put a great mind, focus and determination to never stray in our path and control ourselves to the path of enlightenment. “Know Thyself” as Socrates would say, you shall never be astray, and in final quote, “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.” – Sun Tzu, in life we have hard things to deal with but if we are friends to ourself then you will live a life of no regrets.

HANNAH: Try to be a good citizen and friend without overestimating your own ideas. Hold others to the same rigor you hold yourself when they make assertions. Always look for intellectual integrity. The theory of forms is a concept from platos texts and dialogues with others. Think of the world as permanent. I’m trying to say, think of everything as pre determined and not subject to change. Everything is bound to happen and the course of the world cannot be changed. There is much more to this and you should research it as it is very interesting.
A way I apply it to my life is by knowing that if everything is unchangeable. Then I have nothing to fear, meaning I can pursue and do whatever I want without fear. If we know we are on a set course, what is there to be afraid of? If there is nothing to fear then our dreams are easily achievable, which is what Plato wanted. Plato said that the meaning of life is attaining the highest form of knowledge. I’m very tired but I recommend you research this or read some books about it.


JC: As we all know, to be fully human, we need to have a body and a soul. I cannot say more than this. It was an idea that opened our minds to a brighter answer to the questions in our minds. We cannot deny how Plato said it. We realize that it plays a vital role in people's lives. It can answer the three parts of the soul. It has different fortes that examine a human being and mold the mind morally. A good mind and soul will put people through everything that they want to become. It has a wonderful outcome if we think about and observe what the philosophers have said. Knowing yourself with all of your heart will lead you to what you are going to be in the future.


3.     (Quickie): How is self-understood? How do I understand myself? What led up to this understanding of the self?


LOURENZO: Reason, knowledge, wisdom, and self-reflection, is what in my mind enables a human person to understand oneself. I believe that every person must insist take the time to observe oneself and make a reflection who they really are. I believe that every day the self evolves because if there is interaction the self will change. That is in conclusion, self-assessment is good in understanding yourself because as Roger Everden says, we have many selves and there are still more hidden selves that we are yet to discover. And it is up to you on how you will deal and be the best version of yourself!

HANNAH: It is understood based on what you can see. If you cannot see, you cannot understand. If you can see, maybe you can understand, maybe not. There is no guarantee.  We take input and add that input to our memory. Since we have a sense of “I,” we think “I have experienced“this or that. Culture is one such experience. It becomes part of our memory and decorates our experience, as well as forms who we think we are. We think we are what we experience. It is pretty simple.



JC: Understanding ourselves is the best thing that we can do. It will give us an insight into what we should do to be able to go and do life. "Self" is the first thing that we must put on our minds and souls. I understand myself based on exploring more outside of my comfort zone. as well as knowing my strengths and weaknesses. After knowing them, I will look on the deeper side of that to know in which area of myself I should improve and put in a lot of effort. Also, understanding yourself may lead you to think outside of your usual box. When you become the best version of yourself without any regrets or hesitation, be confident. To be able to build a better you, you must trust in yourself and have confidence every step of the way.



4.     If you are to choose one particular philosher of the Self, what would it be and why?


LOURENZO: St. Thomas Aquinas, concept of the Human Person as an Embodied Spirit. The philosophy of St. Thomas is similar to Plato’s philosophy about the self and it its perception and realizations about he soul. But in contrast to that of Plato, St. Thomas Aquinas, philosophy about the human person states that the human person is made up of two fundamental realms – the body (corporal) and the soul (spiritual). Both of which are fundamental and integral in the human person. Thus, the human person is an embodied spirit. I have taken interest in this philosophical motion because this philosophy directly relates on what the catholic church had taught that we are body and soul. These two concepts intertwine and complement one another and in unity the body and soul makes the true totality and self of a human person.

for me it would be ‘everything will be ok in the end. if it’s not okay, then it’s not the end” a great philosophy where it reminds us that when things seem like they’re going wrong. It reminds us that everything will eventually work in the end.



JC: If I were to choose a particular philosophy of life, it would be that "Love of God, faith in Him, and understanding of His gospel will ultimately lead to happiness," according to St. Augustine, because I am close to our God. I can't see myself without Him. His plan led me to where I am today. I will never be so happy as this without Him. All the blessings and positive things that are happening are because of God. I am always thankful, as well as saying sorry for all my sins. Always keep in mind that reading a Bible is to enlighten us, to know what God did for all of us, and to appreciate all the things that really matter on this earth. He is our salvation. I choose this because I always put Him first in every situation that I am in. I clung to faith, as I know that if I believe in God, everything follows. Even though we are sinners, we must know the word of God. Envision yourself to be a good example to others; let God be the light.











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